The story continues the events of game film, which tells the story of a small but courageous pse-movie Volt. Volt from the birth did not leave the set television, where his hero saves humanity, using their extraordinary abilities. But once his owner, Penny, kidnapped and sent to the Volt its quest. For the first time in life in New York, he still thinks that it is - just another episode of television ...
Action games Volts, Developed by Avalanche Software, takes place in a dynamic and entertainment world of television. Users will visit five countries in the world, including Russia, and try supersposobnosti volts, such as a laser sight and superlay capable of causing a huge sound wave forces, and play for Penny, who, through their spy skills and modern technologies easily copes with the most complex situations.
System requirements:
# Operating system Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP2 / Vista ® SP1 (64-bit version is not supported)
# CPU Pentium ® 4 3.2 GHz or AMD ® Athlon 3200 +
# 512 MB of RAM
# 4.5 GB of free hard disk space
# 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB of memory that is compatible with DirectX ® 9.0s supporting shaders version 3.0 (nVidia ® GeForce ® 6600 or ATI ® Radeon ® X1300)
# 16-bit audio device compatible with DirectX ®
# DirectX ® 9.0c
# Device to read DVD-ROM drive
The story continues the events of game film, which tells the story of a small but courageous pse-movie Volt. Volt from the birth did not leave the set television, where his hero saves humanity, using their extraordinary abilities. But once his owner, Penny, kidnapped and sent to the Volt its quest. For the first time in life in New York, he still thinks that it is - just another episode of television ...
Action games Volts, Developed by Avalanche Software, takes place in a dynamic and entertainment world of television. Users will visit five countries in the world, including Russia, and try supersposobnosti volts, such as a laser sight and superlay capable of causing a huge sound wave forces, and play for Penny, who, through their spy skills and modern technologies easily copes with the most complex situations.
System requirements:
# Operating system Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP2 / Vista ® SP1 (64-bit version is not supported)
# CPU Pentium ® 4 3.2 GHz or AMD ® Athlon 3200 +
# 512 MB of RAM
# 4.5 GB of free hard disk space
# 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB of memory that is compatible with DirectX ® 9.0s supporting shaders version 3.0 (nVidia ® GeForce ® 6600 or ATI ® Radeon ® X1300)
# 16-bit audio device compatible with DirectX ®
# DirectX ® 9.0c
# Device to read DVD-ROM drive
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